system for monitoring and analysis of wind turbines' data, and for direct control over them

SaaS • Interviews • Product design

the client

MaSCA – is an interface for monitoring and managing of wind turbine parks.

  • Industry
  • Renewable energy
  • Client since
  • 2017-2018

target audience

  1. Wind farm owners
  2. Operators
  3. Managers


During a working day, an operator uses multiple tools to control and regulate the performance of more than 700 wind turbines. Software that is currently being used is complicated with information displayed and visualised in a very sophisticated way.


  1. A platform for managing systems of SCADA type wind farms
  2. Create a product that will: contain all crucial tools, reduce risks connected to human factor and optimise operators' work.
  3. Receive additional competitive value by developing a visually appealing interface.


A convenient and simple instrument for wind turbines management and analysis

We designed and developed an interface that operators can customize to their needs considering information that is required. It simplifies the process of wind turbines monitoring, provides general information for the owner and makes task management more effortless.

mind map creating

We created an informational architecture to structure all the pages of the product and to create convenient navigation.

web service design

When creating a design, it is essential to order and structure a massive amount of data so that users can quickly understand what is happening in the system.

Another challenge was to develop a design that will employ only two colours without losing convenience and text readability.

light color theme

We had three target groups — operators, managers, and product owners. While operators had more demand for a dark theme, because of the significant time they spend in front of the product, managers and product owners requested to have a light color theme as an option.


We helped to develop a product that will allow operators to manage and control the performance of wind turbines conveniently. While testing we noticed the needs of both the manager and the owner related to the monitoring of the whole process.

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Leading continuous security platform for detection as code


User tests

Web design






Food & Dringk

Prepare a meal from what you have by making a photo of it



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